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Security Report 4/5 to 4/11

April 12, 2018

Emma Bezilla

Thursday, April 5

  • Excessively loud music was reported on the fourth floor of Coles Tower.
  • A College neighbor complained about student vehicles parked along Boody Street and impeding the flow of traffic.


Friday, April 6

  • A parent requested a wellness check for a student after being unable to make contact. An officer found the student to be safe and in good spirits.
  • A faculty member was briefly stuck in a malfunctioning elevator in Druckenmiller Hall.
  • Smoke from a hair straightener activated a smoke alarm in Chamberlain Hall.
  • A student-driven College van scraped a parked vehicle in Brunswick.
  •  A student reported a suspicious acting vehicle on Park Row near Longfellow Avenue. No law violations were noted, but a report was filed.


Saturday, April 7

  • Officers checked on the well-being of an intoxicated student at Coleman Hall.
  • A student at an off-campus gathering reported that a champagne bottle fell on her head, causing a bleeding laceration. The student was treated for a mild concussion at Mid Coast Hospital.
  • Brunswick police cited a student at My Tie for allegedly failing to pay a bar tab. At the request of management, the student was issued a trespass warning.
  • My Tie reported that a minor student used fraudulent identification to enter the bar and consume alcohol. A security report was filed.
  • A minor student was detained at My Tie for presenting a fraudulent identification card in an attempt to enter the bar. Management turned the matter was turned over to security and a report was filed.
  • A 21-year-old student was removed from My Tie after he was observed drinking a brand of alcoholic beverage that was not sold by the establishment. A security report was filed.
  • The unauthorized use of a fog machine caused a smoke alarm at Reed House.


Sunday, April 8

  • Brunswick police cited a minor student walking on Maine Street for possession of alcohol by a minor (by consumption).
  • An officer checked on the well-being of a minor student who had been drinking and was ill in the Thorne Hall women’s room.
  • A student at Brunswick Apartments reported someone banging on a door at 2:00 a.m. An officer located the student who was responsible for the disturbance and resolved the matter.
  • Excessive noise reported at Chamberlain Hall.
  • Two students engaged in a physical altercation in a residence hall, resulting in injuries to both. The incident is under investigation.
  • Students smoking outside of Coles Tower accidentally ignited leaves in a drainage grate. A security officer put out the fire with a fire extinguisher.
  • An officer checked on the well-being of student at the request of a concerned friend.


Monday, April 9

  • A damaged wooden stair rail was noted at the north entrance to Helmreich House.
  • Reports were submitted to the dean’s office on three students who have each accumulated multiple parking violations and hundreds of dollars in fines.
  • Administrative and academic building fire drills were conducted.
  • A student who is on a leave of absence was found to be living in campus housing without authorization.


Tuesday, April 10

  • A student tossing a Frisbee accidentally broke a window pane at Adams Hall.


Wednesday, April 11

  • A mischievous two-year-old boy pulled a fire alarm at Hubbard Hall, causing a building evacuation.
  • An officer assisted a student who fainted after giving blood at a Red Cross blood drive at Smith Union.




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