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Letter to the Editor: the Orient’s football coverage

April 2, 2021

This piece represents the opinion of the author .

To the Editor:

The COVID-19 pandemic has altered the college recruitment and selection process for the majority of graduating high school seniors. We have relied on so many unconventional approaches to research colleges and athletic programs. When becoming involved in the Bowdoin football recruitment process, one way I attempted to learn more about the program was to read articles from The Bowdoin Orient. Recent team history is what it is, so I found the articles fair and informative but certainly not inspirational.

However, I would like to share my spin on the program and why it will be turned around: losing has created a weight on the minds of this team. The concept of having a short-term memory when it comes to losses and bad plays sounds easy in theory, but it can be challenging when the pressure to win grows heavier.

As athletes, we certainly can always push harder and do better, but lack of effort and an absence of discipline is not the issue at Bowdoin. Both coaches and players are putting in the extra work to turn this around. Winning is about small adjustments, both physically and mentally. Can things change? I won’t speak for the entire recruitment class or team, but I would not have even considered Bowdoin as an option if I didn’t believe things will change.

Change takes effort and support from an entire community, so I hope The Bowdoin Orient is on board and will focus on the process, seeing the positive changes along the way.


Austin Hiscoe ’25


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  1. Class of '21 says:

    You think way too highly of a coaching staff that has said they will not be pursuing efforts to diversify their team lol

  2. Non-athlete says:

    What do you want, lies?

  3. Class of '21 says:

    It’s not the job of the Orient to be the pep squad for the football team. They are reporting what actually happens. I imagine that in your time at Bowdoin, you will be exposed to the notion that recruiting and college athletics, particularly at D3 schools, is an extremely elitist process at best.

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