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Editorial Board

Number of articles: 168

First Article: April 25, 2024

Latest Article: November 1, 2024


Reframing Family Weekend

As Family Weekend commences, students across campus will have the opportunity to show their loved ones their dorm room, their favorite study spots and the College’s museums. With all this excitement, it is important to be conscious of varying family …

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Beginning this academic year, a vending machine providing free Plan B, along with condoms, lubricant, pregnancy tests, Covid-19 antigen tests, ibuprofen and other health products, is located on the third floor of the Peter Buck Center for Health and Fitness. …

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The best four years?

As first years sat on the Main Quad listening to President Safa Zaki deliver her remarks—welcoming the Class of 2028 into all that Bowdoin College has to offer—many of you likely couldn’t help but think about what these four years …

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Our Bowdoin (Orient)

We came to the Orient from many different places. (Boston, five miles outside of Boston, ten miles outside of Boston, Cambridge, extending all the way to Winchestah, Andovah and Pittsburgh, sure, and some other places.)

The Bowdoin that we knew …

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A necessary discourse

“It ought always to be remembered, that literary institutions are founded and endowed for the common good, and not for the private advantage of those who resort to them for education,” President Joseph McKeen said in his 1802 inaugural address. …

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