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BSG Candidacy Statements

April 21, 2023

Presidential Candidates

Jacob Horigan ’24

Dear Bowdoin Community,

I am the only candidate who has balanced athletics with school-work for two years while also having a non-athletic Bowdoin life filled with club meetings and office hours. This lived experience makes me a uniquely qualified candidate to advocate for both school populations.

With my experience as the Academic Affairs Committee leader and a member of club volleyball, tea club, chess club and healthy relationships, I can bring eclectic perspectives to each meeting.

These ideas are what I will be most strongly advocating for:

  • Commissioning visual arts majors to paint the Smith Union game room walls and other spaces in need of creativity in order to add personality to the College while giving students money.
  • Ensuring that students are able to log the accurate number of hours they work to be appropriately compensated for their time as they should “feel the resources behind [them] in whatever task [they] undertake.”
  • Pointed social gatherings pairing sports teams with student organizations in order to create spaces for increased inclusivity in casual settings.

Thank you for considering my candidacy and I hope to represent you with all of my heart.

Francisco Adame Perez ’24

We shouldn’t feel a sense of disconnection to BSG when it comes to voicing our needs and aspirations for programming. I hear you. Throughout my time at Bowdoin as a first-generation immigrant and student of color in THRIVE, O-trip leader, Programs Assistant for the McKeen Center and officer for the Bowdoin Fashion Club and Latin American Student Organization, I’ve developed meaningful relationships with staff, admin and students by becoming more aware of resources, creating consistent programming and cultivating communities that value engaging in conversation and questioning. I plan to use these experiences to not merely delegate work effectively within BSG, but to inspire my team to dream a new tomorrow and lead with social responsibility and accountability.

Let’s bring bigger artists and notable alumni to campus. Let’s support the work that affinity groups do. Let’s bring back Fall Fest and Polar Pause. Let’s promote school spirit for athletic teams and club sports. Let’s hold Bowdoin to its diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) commitments. Copy/paste the link for a TikTok with my ideas and how this can be done through an interconnected approach: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-TmL3QxssvUS3Qe2iFaPcIUrxcA7EMbi?usp=sharing.

I will be sure to dedicate the time you deserve to a better Bowdoin and a more active and engaging BSG!

Paul Wang ’24

Hello! From being a friendly face across campus to engaging in extracurricular roles that span a broad range of student life, I have continuously strived to be a positive presence in our community. The untapped potential of BSG as a platform to enact meaningful change has become apparent to me in my role this semester as the Res Life BSG representative. I believe that my approachability and passion for making Bowdoin a better place, combined with a fresh perspective and new energy for BSG, will help realize its full utility, accessibility and engagement with the student body.

As President I will work to:

  • Push for common-sense initiatives that improve student life (expand fitness center hours, add charging stations, revamp laundry services, change to a 21-meal plan).
  • Update past successful BSG initiatives: Bowdoin Course Reviews, Polar Pause (extending Thanksgiving Break), Free Flow (free menstrual products).
  • Add comment boxes in Smith Union, write monthly Orient columns and hold office hours to increase BSG accountability, visibility and engagement.
  • Re-evaluate funding distribution, club-chartering criteria and e-board autonomy to better support club/affinity group leaders and host successful events that reflect community interest.
  • Collaborate with student government organizations at NESCAC peer institutions to facilitate cross-campus dialogue.

Thank you for your consideration! Feel free to contact me at pwang3@bowdoin.edu.

Vice Presidential Candidates

Anyi Sun ’26

Hey Bears!

If I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting you yet, my name is Anyi and I’m running for vice president (VP) of BSG. For the past two years (including high school) I was VP of my class and loved every second of it. I’ve found a passion for event planning and enjoyed being able to make an impact on the school on behalf of my peers. I’d love to continue doing so as your VP.

One of my primary goals is to increase attendance at a variety of school events. After hearing feedback from a number of students, I also plan on looking into getting more custom merch and swag for everyone. I’d also like to implement a classmate’s idea to bring back TedX Bowdoin.

With President Safa Zaki coming in next year, I’m also super excited to get the chance to work with her and introduce any new ideas you want to bring up with the administration. Having been a member of BSG this past year, I can confidently say I am ready and willing to take on this new role with your support. I really appreciate your vote, and thank you so much for your consideration!

Chair of Facilities and Sustainability Candidates

Brandon Lozano ’24

Hi, I’m Brandon Lozano – a third-year student studying art history and environmental studies. It has been a privilege to have participated in a broad range of projects over my two years in Bowdoin Student Government (BSG), including last year’s Adirondack chairs on the quad, free laundry (starting next academic year) and pioneering the light therapy program in Smith Union. I don’t believe that issues around sustainability start or stop at the campus-level; instead I find that these issues require a more holistic approach to problem-solving that also considers the role we have as individuals. Mental health as a challenge for sustainability has yet to be deeply explored and resolved, and in this role, I will not only tackle high-level challenges and reinforce the duty that large entities such as Bowdoin hold to the environment, but I will also consider the impact that improving our own well-being has on the environmental and social health of our community. Voting for the environment is voting for a better you—I ask that you vote Brandon Lozano for the Chair of Sustainability and Facilities.

Chair of the Treasurer Candidates

Danielle Lancaster ’26

Hi, I’m Danielle Lancaster, and I am running for BSG Chair of the Treasury! As the treasurer for the Class of 2026, I currently sit on the Student Activities Funding Committee (SAFC). Here, I have helped oversee the allocation of funds to a majority of student organizations on campus, learning the importance of the relationship between the SAFC and these organizations in bringing the Bowdoin campus community together.

In the coming year, I’m determined to further increase transparency and awareness about the SAFC and its funding decisions, believing that every student should have insight into how their clubs are supported. Furthermore, I’m passionate about promoting equity and inclusivity in all SAFC-funded events, ensuring that our funding is used to create welcoming and accessible spaces for everyone.

Thanks for your time, and I’m excited about the opportunity to be your BSG Chair of Treasury this fall. With your support, we can work together to create a more vibrant and inclusive campus environment!

Chair of Academic Affairs Candidates

Abigail Martin ’26

As the Chair of Academic Affairs on BSG Executive Committee, I hope to continue to improve academic requirements on campus and navigate student major selections. Interacting with the academic deans, I hope to learn more about the inner workings of academic requirements on campus and would like to push for the ability of students to pass/fail one class within their distribution requirements to decrease academic stress for students. Furthermore, I hope to give students the ability to learn more about what majors pique their interest. Therefore, I hope to establish an event similar to Dinner with Six Strangers where you can sign up to talk to upperclassmen about a specific major over dinner. After being on BSG this year as a developmental representative on the Diversity and Inclusion Committee, I would love the opportunity to serve again on BSG as the Chair of Academic Affairs.

Chair of Student Affairs Candidates

Edmundo Ortiz Alvarez ’24

BSG is not an institution that is generally respected. I do not, however, believe anyone should complain about anything that they are not actively trying to mend. This is my (both comedic and genuine) attempt to make it a better institution. Am I aware that no one actually cares about what happens in the election or, frankly, about what BSG does as a whole? Yes, and I hope to either leave it in a little bit of a better state than it is now (which is a low bar); or, at least, give myself the right to complain about it. In the process, however, I hope to convince as many people as I can to complain about it, too–but only after they’ve also genuinely tried to engage with it.

Chair of Student Organizations Candidates

Alex Kruse ’26

My name is Alex Kruse, and I’m running for Chair of Student Organizations next year. I’m currently a first-year student, and one of the reasons I decided to come to Bowdoin was because there were so many exciting student-led clubs. This is still one of my favorite things about the school, and I am looking forward to supporting club leaders to run each club as effectively as possible. As a current member of the Student Organizations Oversight Committee (SOOC), I have worked to charter existing clubs, recharter clubs for the new year and support club leaders as needed. I’m looking forward to working with these organizations next year!

Chair of Diversity and Inclusion Candidates

Jickinson Louis ’26

I have decided to run for the Chair of Diversity and Inclusion (DEI) because I believe it is imperative that Bowdoin strives not simply for equality but equity. As Chair of DEI, one of my main focuses would be improving the THRIVE program at Bowdoin. Despite being one of the few outlets on campus, specialized for first-generation and low-income students, the program has lacked in meeting the needs of its students in recent months. Issues include the “Bowdoin Science Experience (BSE)” being shelved for the foreseeable future and the disorganized communication between administration and students. I plan to create a system within THRIVE that not only keeps students in the loop but factors their input in programming events. Although I am wrapping up only my first year, I believe I am qualified for this position. I was on my high school’s District Equity Team for all four years, President of the African American Culture Club, and served as an advisor to the NY State Senate Majority Leader. Ultimately, my skills would be a positive addition to BSG and I will fight for a more closely-knit Bowdoin community!

Sachin Maharaj ’24

Hi my name is Sachin Maharaj. I’m a member of the crew team and I’ve lived in a college house and worked alongside the McKeen Center on two initiatives: the Common Good Grant Committee and the inaugural cohort of SCAN. I’ve loved immersing myself in the many passionate student clubs and affinity groups at Bowdoin. Personally, I’ve been a part of South Asian Students Association (SASA), THRIVE and spent countless hours in the Center for Multicultural Life. All this is to say that I understand the effort required to feel like you belong at Bowdoin.

Simply stated, I want to help you find your footing here at Bowdoin, during those moments when you feel like you don’t belong, when you might worry about being smart, athletic or social enough to “fit” in. I would work to create inclusive events celebrating all the differences among Bowdoin students.

As Chair of Diversity and Inclusion, I would bring back a keynote speaker for No Hate November and support affinity groups and student clubs through campus-wide collaborations with BSG. In my role as a member of the executive team, I would host informal office hours to hear your concerns, improve DEI work on campus and make BSG more transparent.

These statements were provided by BSG President Susu Gharib ’23 to the Orient for publication. All statements are the intellectual property of the person indicated above.


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