On Wednesday, Bowdoin Faculty and Staff for Justice in Palestine (FSJP) hosted a talk in Kresge Auditorium to educate the Bowdoin and Brunswick communities about the College’s history with divestment. The lecture mainly pertained to the history of Bowdon’s divestment …
As a part of this year’s Interfaith Visibility Week, the Rachel Lord Center for Religious and Spiritual Life invited community members to the VAC’s Beam Classroom on Tuesday night for an educational event on Zionism. The event, entitled “Roots of …
As part of campus celebrations of Interfaith Visibility Week, Kaira Jewel Lingo, a former Buddhist monk whose work blends spirituality and social justice, spoke in Kresge Auditorium Monday night. Lingo’s talk, titled “We Were Made for These Times,” centered on …
On Wednesday, the Latin American, Caribbean, and Latinx Studies (LACLaS) department hosted the “Every Song an Invitation: Music, Listening and Cultural Inquiry” talk featuring Jorge Leal, professor of history at University of California, Riverside, and Jonathan Leal, professor of English …
Last Saturday night, journalist and author Michele Norris spoke on race, difficult conversations and her book “Our Hidden Conversations: What Americans Really Think About Race and Identity,” as she delivered the annual Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Lecture in Pickard …
On Tuesday, Adjunct Lecturer in Environmental Studies Kate Olson spoke to a packed room of students, faculty and community members in Mills Hall about climate change and its impacts. Olson’s talk, hosted by the Department of Environmental Studies, focused on …
On Tuesday evening in Searles Science Building, Ivan Kurilla, Visiting Tallman Scholar in Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies, delivered a lecture titled, “‘Distant Friends and Intimate Enemies’ What Does the Long History of Russian-American Relations Tell Us About the …
On Thursday, Professor of Philosophy and Chair of the Philosophy Department Scott Sehon launched his new book “Socialism: A Logical Introduction,” which explores the arguments for and against socialism. In his book, Sehon considers rights-based arguments for socialism, then discusses …
The world’s leading expert on generational differences held a talk in the Visual Arts Center last month, and after leaving the hour-long entertainment special, I was disheartened. Jean Twenge is a renowned psychologist specializing in generations and how they differ. …