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Reuben Schafir

Staff Writer — Class of 2022

Number of articles: 26

First Article: September 17, 2021

Latest Article: May 13, 2022


College expected to reshape Ivies weekend

Bowdoin’s annual Ivies party—a tradition spanning nearly 150 years—is anticipated to look dramatically different form this year according to multiple sources present at a planning meeting that took place Thursday with members of Bowdoin Student Government (BSG), The Entertainment Board, …

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Remembering Finnegan Woodruff, Class of 2021

Finnegan Woodruff ’21 was a Renaissance man: a spirited fiddle player, a scrupulous tailor and an ambitious whitewater kayaker. Finn passed away on November 16, a month from his 23rd birthday, doing what he loved—paddling on the White Salmon River …

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