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Marc Rosenthal

Orient Staff — Class of 2025

Number of articles: 30

First Article: March 31, 2023

Latest Article: September 27, 2024


Samuelson ’79 reflects 40 years later

When former Olympic marathoner Joan Benoit Samuelson ’79 reflects on her achievements, she is acutely aware of how different things could have been.

“Had soccer been available to me in high school, I wouldn’t be here talking to you,” Samuelson …

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Meet the team behind Fantasy NESCAC

Last fall, Will Jorgensen ’24 and William Warlick ’24 lived just a few feet away from Whittier Field. Their proximity to the football field introduced them to the passion and support found on any given Bowdoin football gameday.

“We definitely …

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Talk of the Quad

Missed Connections

Airports exist primarily as a liminal space to me, so I usually discard my experiences within them as mere figments of my imagination.

But last year, in Boston Logan International Airport, something real happened to me—something that wasn’t a dream. …

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