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Talk of the Quad

Talk of the Quad

Rainbow’s end

Not every 18-year-old can say they’ve been a guardian for a child, much less for three different children. But this past summer, on August 10th, I had one single day where I was.

I went to Camp Aloha Hive, a …

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Talk of the Quad

Heart for history

I’ll admit it: Maine’s lighthouses entered my imagination long before Bowdoin or the rest of the state did.

First seeing lighthouses in a cartoon at five years old and following it up with a healthy dose of lighthouse books, magazines, …

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Talk of the Quad

Mirror, mirror

There’s a small coffee shop right down the street from my high school in Pittsburgh, Pa. It’s one of those newer, trendier local spots—the walls and tables are covered in plants, and Bon Iver and Hozier play quietly from the …

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Talk of the Quad

Little Lights

I have always preferred lowlight. Streetlights, headlamps, starlight. Daylight filtered through the trees, sunrises as a wake-up call, sunsets coming like a surprise present. It is here where the most beauty seems to occur.


A little spot of shade, …

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