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CXD internship recipients and McKeen Fellows will not be allowed to live on campus this summer

April 23, 2020

Though recipients have not yet been informed, the Office of Residential Life decided last week that students awarded Career Exploration and Development’s (CXD) Funded Internship Grants will not be permitted to live on campus this summer. Mckeen Center Fellows were notified in individual emails that campus housing would not be available to them either.

The College has not yet made an announcement about whether any students will be allowed to stay on campus this summer.

Typically, students who have received fellowships through the College or are working at least 20 hours per week for the College may reside in campus housing for a fee of $65 per week. Recipients of a Funded Internship Grant who work off-campus are typically allowed to petition for on-campus housing, though it is not guaranteed.

Because students with Funded Internship grants would work off campus where social distancing may not be possible, the College decided that these students would not be allowed to live on campus. Dean for Student Affairs Janet Lohmann did not confirm who or what office made the decision.

Tom Ancona, the associate director of the Joseph McKeen Center for the Common Good, wrote to the McKeen Center Fellows that they “are still welcome to work with [their] community partner as long as [they] can secure housing off-campus or commute from [their] home.” Ancona added that students arriving from out of state must comply with any applicable municipal, state or federal lockdown orders and might have to self-quarantine for 14 days if Governor Janet Mills’s out-of-state travel order is still in effect.

“President Rose has said that a final decision about housing any students on campus will be made by the beginning of May,” Ancona wrote.

Editor’s Note 4/24/20 , 9:18 p.m.: An earlier version of this article misstated that the Office of Residential Life made the decision regarding summer housing. Dean for Student Affairs Janet Lohmann did not confirm which office or individual made that decision. The article has been updated to correct that error. 


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