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Williams ’21 elected BSG president in landslide

Constitutional changes pass in referendum

April 19, 2020

Marcus Williams ’21 was elected president of Bowdoin Student Government (BSG) for the 2020-2021 academic year Sunday night following a week of remote campaigning. The current BSG chair of diversity and inclusion, Williams beat Steven Xu ’22, current Class of 2022 class council president, 717 to 226.

Harry Sherman ’21 was elected BSG vice president with 556 votes, beating current chair for facilities and sustainability Wilder Short ’22. Sherman served as BSG chair of the treasury during the 2018-2019 academic year.

Students also voted to approve changes to the BSG constitution that will replace some appointed positions on BSG assembly with elected positions. The changes passed with 830 votes for and 93 votes against, reaching both the one-third participation threshold and the two-thirds approval threshold to pass.

The election for executive positions was governed by ranked-choice voting, but only one contest had more than two candidates. In the race for chair of student affairs, no candidate reached a majority in the first round, though Lily Tedford ’22 earned the most first-choice votes with 401, ahead of Ala’a Alattiyat ’23 and Solana Torres-Pepito ’23, who earned 277 and 185, respectively. After Torres-Pepito was eliminated and her votes redistributed to the remaining candidates, Tedford received a majority with 486 total votes to Alattiyat’s 374.

Brandon Cartagena ’21 was elected chair of diversity and inclusion, Patrick Bloniasz ’22 was elected chair of academic affairs, Thando Khumalo ’23 was elected chair of facilities and sustainability and Khushi Patel ’23 was elected chair of student organizations. In the only uncontested race, Prithvi Gunturu ’22 was elected chair of the treasury, receiving 850 votes while “Blank Dot” received 47.

Steven Xu ’22 is a member of Orient staff.



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