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Kristina Bethea Odejimi hired as dean of students

July 2, 2019

Kristina Bethea Odejimi has been named the new dean of students and will begin at the College on August 1. The post was previously held by Janet Lohmann, who was hired as dean for student affairs in April, replacing Tim Foster upon his retirement.

Lohmann shared the news of Odejimi’s appointment in an email to the campus community Monday morning.

After a national search, Odejimi was as one of eight candidates selected for a phone interview, and one of four invited to campus to interview with students, faculty and staff.

“[Odejimi] impressed everybody across the board in her knowledge and also her humor and her care and compassion,” Lohmann said.

The search committee’s ultimate decision was unanimous, according to Lohmann’s email.

“As she comes here, I’m really excited to have her be my partner in this process,” said Lohmann.

Odejimi will come to Bowdoin from her position as dean of students at St. Margaret’s School, a boarding school in Tappahannock, Virginia, and Odejimi’s alma mater. Prior to assuming that position in 2014, Odejimi served as a coordinator for residence education at the University of Arkansas and athletics academic coordinator at the University of Virginia. She holds a master’s degree in education and a doctorate of education in leadership.

The dean of students, a position created at the College in spring 2017, works under the dean for student affairs to directly supervise associate and assistant deans of students.

Odejimi will work with Counseling and Wellness Services, Health Services and the Title IX coordinator. She will also oversee student disciplinary processes, including the Judicial Board and the Student Sexual Misconduct Board.

“I really do think it is important that the dean’s office be really student-centered and student focused,” said Odejimi in a phone interview with the Orient. “I look forward to cultivating relationships with not just those in the Dean of Students office, but those who are looking to that office for a resources and looking to partner with that office on multiple initiatives.”

“[I’m excited] to listen to the needs that the community has and be able to provide the resources that we have. I look at the Office of the Dean of Students as one that should be open and should listen to the needs that they have,” she added.


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