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Council approves second phase of Whittier Field plan

March 30, 2018

The Brunswick Town Council formally approved the second phase of Bowdoin’s plans to renovate Whittier Field, the Forecaster reported yesterday. The project includes building a new road to connect Pine Street and Bath Road. The decision this Tuesday followed a vote in December to allow the College to discontinue Pine Street in order to build new athletic facilities alongside Whittier Field.

Council members discussed adding a two-way left turn lane from Bath Road onto the newly constructed street, citing the possibility that cars could be rear-ended while waiting to make the turn. The measure was rejected after concern that it would encourage cut-through traffic on the connector and Pine Street.

Instead, the Town Council voted to add road signs saying “No Thru Traffic” on the connector street and conduct traffic studies six months and one year after the connector road opens to decide if adding a left-turn lane is necessary.

The second phase of the Whittier Field renovation plans includes the addition of a 9,000-square foot facility as well as house training, locker and equipment rooms. The first phase of the project, which was completed last September, upgraded the field to turf, resurfaced Magee-Samuelson Track and restored the grandstand.


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