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Highlight Reel for Sept. 22

September 22, 2017

Out for revenge: The women’s soccer team (1-2-1, NESCAC 0-2-1) began its weekend last Saturday with a 1-1 tie against Wesleyan (3-1-1, NESCAC 0-1-1) after goalie Rachel Stout ’18 made 10 saves compared to Wesleyan’s two. The next day, the team lost 0-3 to undefeated Williams (5-0-0, NESCAC 4-0-0). The team will face Middlebury (3-1-1, NESCAC 1-1-1) at home on Saturday. Middlebury knocked the Polar Bears out of NESCAC quarterfinals last season, beating the team 2-1.

Heading for goal: Men’s soccer (4-2, NESCAC 2-1) had a successful weekend, with two 1-0 wins against Wesleyan (4-1, NESCAC 0-1) and Williams (3-1, NESCAC 2-1). During the Wesleyan game, Ethan Ellsworth ’18 made an early goal at 2:13 with an assist from Levi Morant ’19. Drake Byrd ’21 scored his first collegiate goal in order to win the Williams game. After a midweek loss to St. Joseph’s (5-0-1), the Polar Bears are hoping to rebound with a win against Middlebury (5-1, NESCAC 2-1) this Saturday.

Starting off strong:  Kicking off their 15th season the right way, the women’s rugby team (1-0) beat U-Maine Orono 29-15 in its first home game. The team had a strong start, going into the second half up 17-0 with the help of captain Kendall Schutzer ’18, who completed the game with three tries. The Polar Bears hope to carry their momentum to their next game as they travel to play Sacred Heart on Saturday.

Racing past the competition: The cross country teams swept the Bowdoin Invitational I this weekend, with both teams beating the second place teams by 20 or more points. Women’s captain Sarah Kelley ’18 won the 5K race with a time of 19:12.9, and four other team members finished in the top eight. On the men’s side, Ben Torda ’18 ran the 8K in 25.57.0, placing him in first with four other teammates also coming in the top nine.



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