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Ivies from the archives

Most Bowdoin students know that Ivies, formerly known as “Ivy Day,” is a campus event steeped in tradition. But before contemporary traditions—like Quad Day, the Lighthouse Darty, selfies with Randy and security’s infamous pouring of BORGs spotted at the Whittier …

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College expected to reshape Ivies weekend

Bowdoin’s annual Ivies party—a tradition spanning nearly 150 years—is anticipated to look dramatically different form this year according to multiple sources present at a planning meeting that took place Thursday with members of Bowdoin Student Government (BSG), The Entertainment Board, …

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Ivies 2020: what could have been

On March 19, during a virtual ‘town hall’ about the coronavirus (COVID-19) and its impact on the College, President Clayton Rose confirmed the cancellation of this year’s Ivies weekend. The news saddened members of the Bowdoin community, including those on …

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One transport during Ivies

With a few exceptions, students celebrated this year’s Ivies Weekend responsibly, according to the Director of Safety and Security Randy Nichols. There were multiple incidences throughout the weekend that required Bowdoin Security to intervene, but none involved the Brunswick Police …

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Nichols advises discretion as Ivies approaches

Amid concern about increased Brunswick Police Department (BPD) activity, Ivies Weekend will proceed as normal, although Director of Safety and Security Randy Nichols advises students to exercise caution and discretion during the weekend to avoid encounters with BPD officers.

“A …

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The Aux Cord

Coming soon to Ivies: D.R.A.M.


Ah, yes. It is finally spring, when flowers begin to rise from the frozen earth and the temperature reaches a mildly comfortable 55 degrees at least once a week. But even more exciting than the return of life to …

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