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One transport during Ivies

May 4, 2018

With a few exceptions, students celebrated this year’s Ivies Weekend responsibly, according to the Director of Safety and Security Randy Nichols. There were multiple incidences throughout the weekend that required Bowdoin Security to intervene, but none involved the Brunswick Police Department (BPD).

One student, who is not a minor, was transported to a hospital late Friday afternoon. Security initially thought a wellness check and some monitoring would suffice, but after the student’s state worsened, medical assistance was called and the student was transported.

“One of the things of note is that there was no incident involving Brunswick Police at all with students during the entire weekend, which really is a great thing and it shows that students were being cognizant of their behavior in the neighborhoods and keeping certain behaviors off the street,” Nichols said. “We are fortunate that there were no arrests or summons issued.”

Prior to Ivies Weekend, students had expressed concern about the recent uptick in BPD activity on campus, which has resulted in several students receiving court summons earlier this semester.

While no students faced legal issues, Security noted several incidents, including a theft of two “Kid Alert Signs,” vandalism of College property, an accidental fire alarm trigger at Ladd House and complaints by town residents of disrespectful student behavior.

According to Nichols, one interaction with town residents was particularly bad because it involved very disrespectful language. The incident, which is in the realm of disorderly conduct, is still under investigation.

Nichols reminded students to be on their best behavior when interacting with town residents.

“We get complaints of rudeness, we get complaints of littering on street from town folks, we get students stealing their property as they are walking through the neighborhood. This is not a good thing. And it’s not helpful to our college-neighborhood relations,” Nichols said.


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