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Talk of the Quad

Hear & be heard

Last Thursday, when I heard about the encampment in Smith Union, confusion pulsed through me. I wasn’t sure how I felt, or who I could talk to about the way I was feeling.

Although I did not personally vote in …

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Naomi Lopez ’26 and her call for climate action

This week, Naomi Lopez ’26 and her experience empowering students to fight climate change was showcased at Bowdoin’s Social Innovation Week’s Solutions Exhibition. The exhibition’s goal was to highlight creative ways students have addressed real-world problems outside of Bowdoin and …

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MSA hosts vigil for Mahsa Amini

Last Wednesday, about 30 students took a break from studying for midterms to gather around the damp museum steps, donning rain jackets and holding flickering candles. The Bowdoin Muslim Students Association (MSA) hosted a candlelight vigil to honor and raise …

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Portland City Councillor visits Bowdoin

On Tuesday evening, the Center for Multicultural Life and the Bowdoin Student Government (BSG) partnered to bring Portland City Councillor and community organizer Victoria Pelletier to Bowdoin. The event featured a conversation and Q&A with Pelletier led by Interim Director …

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