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Orientation changed, and so can we

Orientation week is probably one of my favorite times to be on campus. The nerves and excitement permeate the air, and everyone is in a bubble of transition. Conversations revolve around what “was” during our summer and what “will be” …

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The best four years?

As first years sat on the Main Quad listening to President Safa Zaki deliver her remarks—welcoming the Class of 2028 into all that Bowdoin College has to offer—many of you likely couldn’t help but think about what these four years …

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A party like no other at Bowdoin

I grew up in a city with a perpetual soundtrack. Once a colonial epicenter of the horrendous transatlantic slave trade, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, is now a vibrant hub of Afro-Caribbean diasporic culture, a place where locals’ alignment with sound …

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