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Mundane Magic

Seen on the Quad

The quad is alive for the first time in weeks—and I’ve realized something about humanity.

Sorry—I’m an anthropology major.

Bare arms and legs decorate the still-green quad, students lying on their bellies like lizards. I’m tucked in my hammock without …

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Photo Essay

Tilting into autumn


Swept up in the frenetic rhythms of everyday life, seasonal changes can pass unnoticed. Some mark the tilt into autumn by the calendar, the reappearance of a favorite seasonal drink on a cafe menu or the chill in the …

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Orientation changed, and so can we

Orientation week is probably one of my favorite times to be on campus. The nerves and excitement permeate the air, and everyone is in a bubble of transition. Conversations revolve around what “was” during our summer and what “will be” …

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Talk of the Quad

Bursting my Bowdoin bubble

I never realized how comfortable I had become in the “Bowdoin bubble” until I ventured outside of it for the first time since coming to campus. Stepping off the train at Boston’s North Station during Fall Break felt like a …

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Extended Thanksgiving break receives warm welcome

The Bowdoin community has faced unimaginable challenges this semester, and while everyone processes hardship differently, “Polar Pause,” the extended Thanksgiving break this year, has provided students and faculty with additional time and space for rest and reflection.

Student reactions to …

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