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A party like no other at Bowdoin

I grew up in a city with a perpetual soundtrack. Once a colonial epicenter of the horrendous transatlantic slave trade, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, is now a vibrant hub of Afro-Caribbean diasporic culture, a place where locals’ alignment with sound …

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On solidarity

I fully support my students’ rights to protest, to activism and to dreaming and building better futures. At Bowdoin, I have been proud to be a part of solidarity initiatives to improve our campus community: from our committee hiring of …

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Our Bowdoin (Orient)

We came to the Orient from many different places. (Boston, five miles outside of Boston, ten miles outside of Boston, Cambridge, extending all the way to Winchestah, Andovah and Pittsburgh, sure, and some other places.)

The Bowdoin that we knew …

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The Idiot

Lyrics compromise musical divinity

Lyrics compromise music’s special metaphysical status.

To accept this, you first need to accept that music has a special metaphysical status—that is, in comparison to other art forms. By metaphysical, I am referring to the posited reality outside of human …

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A necessary discourse

“It ought always to be remembered, that literary institutions are founded and endowed for the common good, and not for the private advantage of those who resort to them for education,” President Joseph McKeen said in his 1802 inaugural address. …

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