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BSG Candidacy Statements

Presidential Candidates

Jacob Horigan ’24

Dear Bowdoin Community,

I am the only candidate who has balanced athletics with school-work for two years while also having a non-athletic Bowdoin life filled with club meetings and office hours. This lived experience makes …

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We are still not okay

Upon arriving here as a first-generation, low-income student, I identified most with the mission of the Bowdoin Labor Alliance (BLA). Per our website, which is no longer actively maintained due to social discontinuities and expenses: “The Bowdoin Labor Alliance …

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Rethinking BSG’s role on campus

I am writing to encourage us to rethink the role of student government at Bowdoin and to articulate my vision for a better Bowdoin Student Government (BSG). In my brief time as a BSG representative this semester, it’s become clear …

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A penny for our thoughts?

Last week, the Bowdoin Labor Alliance (BLA) published an op-ed in tandem with the rollout of their most recent campaign—securing better pay for campus workers who they deem to be uncompensated or undercompensated.

The situation is, of course, complicated. The …

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