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LASO begins month of cultural celebration

Trivia, salsa dancing and informational lectures all exemplify the myriad of ways in which the Bowdoin community, specifically the Latin American Student Organization (LASO), plans to celebrate during Latinx Heritage Month.

LASO’s Kickoff Celebration Cookout, which will take place on …

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Students unite after campus bias incident

Early Tuesday morning, August 28, a member of the housekeeping staff discovered that whiteboards in the student study space on the third floor of the Visual Arts Center (VAC) had been defaced with numerous graphic and inappropriate images, including two …

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College community reacts to DACA termination

President Clayton Rose reaffirmed the College’s support for undocumented students in light of President Donald Trump’s decision to terminate the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. In response to the decision, a large group of students will travel from …

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Bus service expands to Brunswick

On August 24, the Metro BREEZ bus began regular commuter service between Brunswick and Portland. With $3 one-way tickets and a stop on Bath Road next to Pickard Theater, Bowdoin faculty and staff are already taking advantage of the new …

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Library renovated, Whittier and Roux make progress

This summer, contractors carried out major renovation projects around campus in preparation for the new academic year. Major projects include the creation of two new collaborative spaces in Hawthorne-Longfellow Library (H-L), updates to Magee-Samuelson Track and Whittier Field and initial …

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