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Jessica Troubh

Staff Writer

Number of articles: 7

First Article: September 21, 2018

Latest Article: April 19, 2019

BSG seeks input on double minors, exam policy

Bowdoin Student Government (BSG) sent out a survey to gauge student opinion of two widely-contested academic policies last week with the hopes of garnering momentum to convince faculty to change the policies. The first of these policies, known as the …

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Define American shines a light on immigration

When Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Jose Antonio Vargas came to Bowdoin to speak about his experience as an undocumented immigrant last year, his words hit particularly close to home for Kathleen Armenta ’21.

Armenta, the daughter of immigrant parents, said that …

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Sailing team heads to Championship

This Saturday, approximately seven of Bowdoin’s top sailors will head to Maryland to compete in one of the most significant and competitive regattas of the fall season: the Showcase Finals at St. Mary’s College. The Polar Bears qualified for this …

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