The College has acquired the funding necessary to renovate the Magee-Samuelson Track and Whittier Field facility after receiving a large donation over Spring Break that pushed the first phase of the project to meet its $4.5 million budget.
Despite the generally positive reception of the Free Flow project—which installed dispensers for free pads and tampons in 12 women’s and four men’s bathrooms across campus—the initiative has also elicited negative responses. Housekeeping confirmed that all the tampons and pads …
Students in the Bowdoin MOGUL hub—an online new aggregate for women—are working to bring the group’s #ReadMyLips campaign to the College in an effort to continue the actions ignited by the Women’s March in January.
Students packed into David Saul Smith Union last weekend for the College’s third annual CBBHacks Hackathon. About 50 students from Bowdoin, Colby, Bates and Williams participated in the Hackathon in some capacity, and several Bowdoin students took home prizes for …
The Brunswick Town Council will vote Monday on a proposal which would extend the Metro BREEZ bus service to Brunswick. The commuter bus service, which launched last summer, currently connects Portland, Falmouth, Yarmouth and Freeport with 10 round trips on …
The Office of Residential Life (ResLife) extended the application deadline for students hoping to live in Howell House to February 28 after the house did not get enough applicants during the initial round of College House applications. Applications to live …
A newly formed nonprofit group has filed a suit against the town of Brunswick for rejecting a citizen’s petition that called for Brunswick to vote on maintaining a waterfront property on Mere Point Road to turn it into a public …
Though a study abroad program at the University of Cape Town in South Africa is run through the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE) and is included on the Office of Off-Campus Study (OCS) program options list, OCS recommended that …
Administrators at Middlebury College were forced to cancel a public lecture by Dr. Charles Murray, a political scientist and fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, due to overwhelming protest by students before the event began. Students chanted and waved signs …