Almost one year ago, I wrote a Talk of the Quad titled “Dirigo” about the constant movement during my childhood and the freedom I felt when I put roots down in Maine. I’ll say now, it was naive of me …
As many Americans reassess the cultural codes surrounding sexual assault, students and faculty turned back in time yesterday evening to reflect on the glamorization of sexual violence in foundational European art within its historical context.
Seeking to highlight the role of protest in the 21st century, seniors Eliza Goodpasture and Jenny Ibsen unveiled an art show entitled “PROTEST” in the Lamarche Gallery of David Saul Smith Union on Wednesday night. The exhibit features physical and …
I am quite fond of my life in Brunswick, but the weeks between fall break and Thanksgiving break are enough to drive anybody bananas and, coupled with the overloaded semester I had created for myself, I was ready to leave—or …
Student-led performance and music groups from across campus will come together on Saturday night for a relief concert, organized by Karen Chan ’18 and Grace Punzalan ’18, to raise awareness and funds for the recovery from the natural disasters of …
In September, Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria struck Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and other Caribbean islands, as well as southern U.S. states, such as Texas and Florida. In the same month, Mexico was hit with three earthquakes, including …
Jude Marx ’18 is an English and education coordinate major who has worked at Bowdoin and beyond to carry out creative projects, mainly through portraiture and creative writing. Her work focuses on the themes of memory and queer identities, as …