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Letter to the Editor: Who will stand tall?

November 22, 2024

This piece represents the opinion of the author .

Henry Abbott
To the Editors:

Bowdoin’s Faculty and Staff for Justice in Palestine (FSJP) wrote a clear and thorough critique of the College’s position on Israel’s U.S.-armed and funded war on Palestine and beyond. I am one of many who are very grateful for its outspokenness.

FSJP’s opinion piece in the November 1 Orient issue makes the case for a bold change of position by the College. Oppression and intimidation of students and faculty who dare to speak out for justice and an end to genocide paints a very sad image of Bowdoin’s backbone.

Granted, Bowdoin admin are the victims of oppression and intimidation from our federal “leadership,” so they are just passing it along. This is not a behavior to be proud of.

Colleges and universities are expected to serve as champions of rigorous inquiry. How does that expectation square with the careful silencing of discussion that questions the status quo?

In the current economic climate, it would take some courage to stand up and speak out. But Bowdoin is in a privileged position to break with the mainstream and speak out boldly for People, Planet and Peace. Their huge endowment could survive quite a lot of courage.

I am hungry for people of courage!


Rosalie Paul lives in Brunswick.


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