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Appeal of Pickard Field decision rejected by town Zoning Board of Appeals

April 7, 2023

A request to appeal the Brunswick Planning Board’s decision to approve the College’s renovation of the Pickard Field athletic field complex was unanimously rejected last night by the Town’s Zoning Board of Appeals.

The request was made by Portland-based law firm Fletcher, Selser & Devine on behalf of resident Edgar Catlin, who lives adjacent to the athletic fields. Jeff Selser, the appellant present at the public hearing on Thursday, argued that the Planning Board did not comply with the Town’s ordinance standards and made its decision based on insufficient evidence.

Selser highlighted three areas of concern that he claimed were not adequately addressed: the impact on the Mare Brook watershed, noise pollution and a potential increase in traffic at the athletic fields.

The Zoning Board of Appeals rejected all three claims and concluded that the Planning Board made its decision based on sufficient evidence.


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