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BSG prepares for elections, votes on funding projects

April 7, 2023

On Wednesday, Bowdoin Student Government (BSG) met to finalize details for the spring concert, discuss the upcoming elections and vote on where the remaining funds will be allocated.

BSG President Susu Gharib ’23 clarified the spring concert will take place in Morrell Lounge on Friday at 9 p.m. with opening acts from student bands Zaffre and Lily in the Weeds. Soccer Mommy will perform at 10 p.m. and students over the age of 21 can get drinks at the pub bar.

Gharib reminded attendees about the upcoming elections for the 2023-24 academic year. She urged students unable to attend in-person election information sessions to email her for Zoom recordings. BSG will send out applications for other committee positions the week of April 17.

For the remainder of the meeting, BSG voted on funding that will be utilized for the remainder of this semester as well as for next year’s budget. BSG has $8,400 left this semester.

BSG first voted to allot $500 for 250 one-time-use Metro Breez tickets to Portland for students. It also voted to allocate $500 for 2,500 laundry detergent sheets. This would serve as a trial run to see how many students would use the provided laundry detergent sheets.

If free laundry sheets are popular among the student body, the BSG aims to have the laundry detergent sheets distributed via the vending machine currently being used for Covid tests. OneCards will be programmed to give each student a certain amount of swipes for these sheets. Next year, it will cost approximately $8,000 for 1,000 students to receive 40 sheets each year, dispensed in packs of 10.

After the success of last semester’s $5 reading period cafe coupons, BSG voted to allot $2,500 for 500 $5 cafe coupons during this semester’s reading period. The first 500 students to sign up on campus groups will be able to pick up a coupon.

For next year’s budget, BSG wants to set aside $6,200 for 700 year long subscriptions to Headspace as well as $2,000 for 500 one-way Metro Breez tickets.


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