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Thanks for voting!

November 11, 2022

This piece represents the opinion of the author .

To the Editors,

We want to thank everyone who came out and voted on Tuesday. This year was vital for Maine and national politics, and it was more imperative than ever for us to drive progressive thinking and activism at Bowdoin and in our community.

Today, and for the next four years, we celebrate Governor Janet Mills and her resiliency, hope and drive to make Maine a better, happier and safer place to live. We will celebrate this victory by continuing to champion issues such as women’s rights, climate change, affordable healthcare, a more robust economy and outstanding education for everyone.

We thank you all for your continued enthusiasm and support!

Ryan Kovarovics ’23, Julia Katherine Fiori ’24, Eliza Schotten ’24, Gwen Gleason ‘25 and Gracie Loney ’25 are leaders of the Bowdoin Democrats.

This piece does not represent the views of Bowdoin College or the Bowdoin Orient.


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