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Strong smoke smell reported in Smith Union

April 28, 2022

This past Monday, numerous students reported the smell of smoke on Coe Quad, inside David Saul Smith Union, in Druckenmiller Hall and in other spaces around campus. While the cause remains unknown, Executive Director of the Office of Safety and Security Randy Nichols speculated the smoke came from intentional fires off campus.

“The cause of the smoke was not pinpointed. It was likely smoke from someone burning brush or leaves that settled over the campus,” Nichols wrote in an email to the Orient.

Nichols reported checking with the Brunswick Fire Department on Monday evening.

“They, too, received reports of smoke from the general area of campus and Longfellow Avenue at about 8:15 p.m.,” Nichols wrote.

According to Nichols, about six students called security about the stench.

Daniela Quezada ’22, who was working at the front desk at Smith Union Monday night, expressed concern regarding the source of the smell and how it might affect her health.

“I actually called security and told them about it,” Quezada said. “I’m asthmatic, so I wanted to get it figured out.”

Some students were surprised to learn that others smelled the smoke, too.

“I was in Kanbar for a psych study review session, and I thought it was just me, but I guess not,” Aidan Michelow ’25 said.


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