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PeaceWorks highlights word choice

December 3, 2021

To the editor:

PeaceWorks members were glad to see the article you posted in early November about the work we’ve been doing since 9/11/01. It’s good to feel connected.

The title, though, got our attention: “Local Group Fights for Peace.”

Actually, we prefer to say that we “Work For Peace.” Splitting hairs? Yes. But verbs are important. The whole idea of creating change in a culture whose encouragement of “fighting” has brought us to the dangerous series of crises we face today, depends on careful use of language. Crisis of militarism, crisis of climate and sustainability and crisis of economic imbalance are dots that connect. They can all be resolved, but not until we pay attention to that pesky verb.

I hope being fussy about it will help raise awareness about something so prevalent as to be nearly invisible. We welcome your participation in our vigil for non-violence on Fridays at 5 on the Town Green for a half hour. PeaceWorks looks forward to lots more connection with Orient readers.


Rosalie Paul, for PeaceWorks




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