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Letter to the Editor: Proud alumni of the nation’s oldest continuously published college weekly

April 8, 2021

This piece represents the opinion of the author s.

To the Editor:

As former editors-in-chief of the Orient, we want to commend and voice our support for Kate Lusignan ’21 and Nina McKay ’21, who have begun considering changing the name of the paper we oversaw last year. We also want to express appreciation for Emily Ha ’21, who movingly shared her experiences with anti-Asian racism and feelings of alienation at Bowdoin, made more potent by seeing “the Orient” across campus.

When we reflect on our time as editors of Bowdoin’s paper, we remember the stories we wrote, the relationships we built and the countless lessons we learned. We both have great nostalgia for the Orient for a variety of reasons, but its name is not one of them. We will remain proud alumni of the nation’s oldest continuously published college weekly, whatever it is called.


Emily Cohen ’20

Alyce McFadden ’20


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One comment:

  1. Elizabeth Mullen ‘88 says:

    Well said.

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