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What academic support resources are available to students during remote learning?

April 10, 2020

The Orient has compiled a list of academic support resources available to students while remote learning  for the remainder of the semester.

This list will be updated as resources change. Last updated: April 24, 2020.

Baldwin Center for Learning and Teaching

The Baldwin Center for Learning and Teaching (BCLT) continues to offer a number of resources to students seeking academic support, which are detailed below, as well as special events listed on its website. In addition to these resources, the BCLT, in collaboration with the Information Technology department, has created a page that covers the ways students can effectively transition to learning remotely and includes a list of resources for course technology.

Academic Coaching

Tina Chong, assistant director of the BCLT, is working with students individually to help them manage their workloads, develop study strategies, stay motivated and more.

When: Chong offers virtual office hours on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. and Tuesdays and Fridays between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m..

Appointments are available online, or by contacting Chong directly at cchong2@bowdoin.edu to schedule an appointment at an alternative time.

The Writing Workshop

Writing Assistants continue to be available for conferences through virtual appointments. They offer one-on-one writing assistance to students at any stage in the writing process.

When: Writing Assistants are available Sunday through Friday by appointment or by drop-in.

A full schedule and appointments are available on the WCOnline system.

Quantitative Reasoning support

Quantitative Reasoning tutors (Q-Tutors) are available to meet with students to help with biology, chemistry, economics, mathematics and statistics. Additionally, many study groups (usually established at the request of the course professor) continue to meet.

When: Q-Tutors are available 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday through Thursday for drop-in help or by appointment.

Appointments and tutor schedules (including a list of subjects each tutor offers help for) are available on the WCOnline system.

English support for multi-lingual speakers

Lisa Flanagan, English for multicultural students advisor, offers one-time or weekly sessions to help students who wish to improve their speaking or writing skills.

When: Flanagan is available Monday through Friday to talk over the phone or by Zoom.

To make an appointment, email Flanagan directly at lflanag2@bowdoin.edu.

Black Scholars Night

Black Scholars Night is a weekly drop-in program hosted by the Black Student Union. A Baldwin mentor, Q-Tutor and Writing Assistant are all available to meet with students.

When: Wednesday nights from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m..

Students can join on the WCOnline system.

Honors Office Hours

Meredith McCarroll, director of writing and rhetoric, is available over Zoom to support students working on honors projects.

When: Fridays from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m..

To request a link to the drop-in Zoom conference, students can email McCarroll at mmccarro@bowdoin.edu.

BCLT Live Support 

BCLT Administrative Coordinator Tammis Donovan is available to help students with general academic support and to answer questions on BCLT services and resources.

When: Monday through Friday 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m..

Donovan is available through the WCOnline system (under BCLT Live Support) or through Teams.

Library Resources

The library offers a wide array of services for students during remote learning. Students can request scans of any of the library’s print materials (such as books and journals). Librarians are also available to provide virtual research assistance over email, with an online appointment or with the chat function on the library’s website.

Information Technology Service and Support

The IT department offers a number of services to support students with remote learning. They have compiled a technology guide to learning remotely and a list of software temporarily available to students.

When: IT is also offering virtual technology support through live chat on the IT Support Portal, by email at servicedesk@bowdoin.edu or by phone on Mondays through Fridays 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at (207) 725-3030.


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