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Sophomores to fill Ladd for first time in two years

April 3, 2020

After two years of housing juniors and seniors, Ladd House will again house only sophomores for the 2020-2021 academic year, said Director of Residential and Housing Operations Lisa Rendall. College House decisions were sent to applicants on Monday.

In January 2018, the Office of Residential Life (ResLife) decided to make Ladd a senior-only house in an attempt to revitalize the on-campus social scene. The decision came after a working group on upperclass housing was formed in 2017 to address the growing number of students living off campus, many of whom expressed dissatisfaction with Bowdoin’s housing options.

Ladd housed exclusively seniors during the 2018-2019 academic year. But the following year, not enough rising seniors applied to live in the house, even after ResLife extended the deadline to apply. Juniors ultimately filled the remaining spots in the house this year. But for the upcoming 2020-2021 academic year, ResLife decided to return Ladd to the ranks of the eight other College Houses, which are traditionally filled with sophomores.

Safa Salman ’23 will live in Ladd next year. Though it wasn’t her first choice—she had only been to two events at Ladd this year and didn’t tour it ahead of completing her application—Salman is nonetheless eager to live in a College House.

“I’m excited to see what it could become,” she said.

“At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter that it hasn’t been a sophomore-house for the previous years,” Salman added. “It just matters that you can be with a group of people you can hopefully get to know better and have a few more close friends on campus.”


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