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Daily demonstrations of respect

April 5, 2019

This piece represents the opinion of the author s.

To the Editor,

As members of the Residential Life Head Staff, we collectively live in all of Bowdoin’s residence halls and communicate regularly with Bowdoin’s hardworking housekeepers. We deeply respect our housekeepers and commend the Orient staff and contributors for their ongoing attention to the living wage movement.

While we do not object to the manner in which students have been engaging with this issue on a systemic level, we believe that it is equally important that students demonstrate respect for all Bowdoin workers on a daily basis. As head proctors and RAs, we are often the first to hear about messes left by students, or their failure to comply with basic rules related to cleanliness.

As students continue advocating for housekeepers on an institutional level, we must not lose sight of the fact that the easiest way for us to show housekeepers how much they are respected and appreciated is to be responsible and considerate of how we treat our shared spaces.


The Student Head Staff of Residential Life

Anu Asaolu ’19

Henry Bredar ’19

Joshua Brooks ’20

Tim Bulens ’19

Mamadou Diaw ’20

Camille Farradas ’19

Ben Hopkins ’20

Tim Moran ’19

Paul Nardone ’19

Mohamad Nur ’19

Julia O’Rourke ’19

Gardenia Pimentel ’19

Anarelis Ramirez ’19

Amber Rock ’19

Cordelia Stewart ’19

Dan Viellieu ’19

Christopher Wallace ’19

Dean Zucconi ’19


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  1. Hard working housekeeper says:

    Thank u very much

  2. Sandy Green says:

    Thank you very much. That’s very nice of you.

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