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Thank you Bowdoin Hillel

November 2, 2018

This piece represents the opinion of the author .

Dear Editor,

I wish to express my thanks and appreciation to Bowdoin Hillel for planning and carrying out a very touching and insightful candlelight vigil to remember the members, families and friends of the Tree of Life Synagogue. It was extremely well done, and it should serve to remind everyone that things must change in our nation, starting with the President. He has set a disgusting and terrifying example of anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and anti-anyone-who-is-not-a-white-person bias. The parallels with Hitler’s and Mussolini’s tactics and words cannot be acceptable in this incredibly diverse and magnificent nation—NEVER! I urge every person of voting age to vote in this upcoming midterm election in order to send a message to this person who calls himself president that his behavior must change!  God willing, the Democrats will assume majorities in both the Senate and House and start straightaway to return our country to sanity.

Again, thank you Bowdoin Hillel and Shalom to all,

Bob Morrison ’52


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