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Highlight Reel for Oct. 20

October 20, 2017

Sweeping the Court: The women’s volleyball team (11-7, NESCAC 7-1) celebrated homecoming weekend by sweeping their Saturday games against University of Maine-Presque Isle (11-16) and Middlebury (14-5, NESCAC 5-3). Caroline Flaharty ’20 ended the Middlebury game with 19 kills compared to Middlebury’s Becca Raffel’s 11. This game brought Bowdoin up to No. 2 in the league behind Tufts. The Polar Bears will be traveling to Amherst to compete in the Hall of Fame Tournament this weekend.

Making Waves: The Bowdoin Sailing Team competed in both the Captain Hurst at Dartmouth and the Match Race New England Championship at MIT. The team came in ninth out of eighteen at Captain Hurst and finished in a strong second place in the Match Race New England Championship. This second place finish qualifies Bowdoin for the Match Race National Championship at College of Charleston on the weekend of November 10 for the first time in program history.

Right on Track: Both the men’s and the women’s cross country teams came in second against Bates in this weekend’s Maine State Meet, with a total score of 42 and 41 respectively. Sarah Kelley ’18 came in third place in the 5K, leading the Polar Bears with a time of 18:12.5. Ben Torda ’18 ran the 8K in 25:25.3, making him the first Polar Bear to come in first in the Maine State Meet since 2013. He was named the NESCAC Cross Country Performer of the Week for his win. The cross country teams will compete in the NESCAC Championships on Saturday 28.

Alive and Kicking: The men’s soccer team (10-3, NESCAC 6-2) came back after a 2-1 loss against Hamilton (6-5-2, NESCAC 3-5-1) with a 1-0 shutout against Colby on Tuesday (6-4-2, NESCAC 3-3-2). Jack Shultz ’20 scored his first career goal and Stevie Van Siclen ’18 made nine saves to give the team its win against the Mules, despite both teams taking an equal amount of shots. The team will finish up its regular season this week with games against Connecticut (9-1-3, NESCAC 4-1-3) and Tufts (11-1-1, NESCAC 6-1-1).



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