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This week in sports: 4/7 – 4/13

April 14, 2017

Straight shutouts.

The women’s tennis team is currently 10-2, 4-1 NESCAC after a 9-0 win over Connecticut College (6-5, 0-3 NESCAC) on Sunday. Despite injuries that have weakened the team’s roster, the Polar Bears have won three of their last four games—all dominant 9-0 shutouts—and are currently ranked fourth in the Intercollegiate Tennis Association Division III poll. The team hopes continue its success against Middlebury (6-3, 3-0 NESCAC) at home tomorrow at 2 p.m.

Battling back.

The men’s lacrosse team is currently tied for fourth in the NESCAC with a 5-2 in-conference record and are 7-4 overall. In a mid-week matchup against Keene State (7-3), the Polar Bears fell 14-8 despite only being outshot 43-40. The team will look to come back from the disappointing loss at 1 p.m. tomorrow at home against fellow NESCAC competitor Wesleyan (10-1, 6-1 NESCAC).

Ruck and roll.

The women’s rugby team opened its spring season on Saturday with a disappointing 55-27 loss to the University of Rhode Island (2-0). URI earned a solid 55-0 lead in the first half, in part due to the strong winds being in its favor. When the teams switched sides for the second half, the Polar Bears came back with 27 points, yet were unable to overtake the URI lead. The team will face Dartmouth tomorrow at 2 p.m. at Pickard Field.

Row your boat.

The crew team competed at the Knecht Cup in New Jersey last weekend in its second regatta of the spring season, with boats earning medals in five of the eight events it entered. The team earned two silvers—in the novice men’s and women’s events—and three bronzes in the men’s varsity four, the Division III varsity four and the women’s Division III varsity eight. The team will travel to Lowell, MA, on April 22 for the Riverhawk Challenge regatta, followed by the President’s Cup on April 23.



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