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Faludi named Pulitzer Prize finalist for memoir

April 14, 2017

Susan Faludi, research associate in Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies (GSWS), was named a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in the autobiography category for her memoir, “In the Darkroom,” (Metropolitan Books). The book explored her relationship with her father, a Hungarian Jewish Holocaust survivor who underwent gender reassignment surgery at age 76.

“In the Darkroom” won the Kirkus Prize for nonfiction last November. In February, Faludi spoke about the book and read excerpts at Bowdoin.

“I’m a writer and that’s how I come to terms with things I don’t understand,” she told the Orient in February. “Whether it got published or not, [I wrote it] to figure it out in my own life, [to] figure out my relationship with my father.”

Faludi previously won a Pulitzer Prize in 1991 in explanatory reporting for an article she wrote for the Wall Street Journal about layoffs in the wake of a buyout of the supermarket chain Safeway stores.


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