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Aircraft manufacturer coming to Brunswick

April 14, 2017

Brunswick Landing—the site of the former naval base, located approximately 10 minutes from the College—will become the site of a production facility for amphibious sport aircraft, the Times Record reported on April 4.

Atol Avion, a Finnish company, partnered with an American investor group to form Atol USA, and plans to have its North American headquarters at Brunswick Landing, according to the Portland Press Herald.

Its aircraft, the Atol 650, holds two passengers and is expected to sell for $179,000. As a light sport aircraft, flying it requires only a sports pilot’s license, which can be obtained with less training time than that needed for a conventional private pilot’s license, according to the Press Herald. Sports license pilots can only fly smaller aircrafts at lower altitudes and are not allowed to fly at night.

Atol USA hopes to begin building planes in 2019.


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