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Artificial Intelligence

Let’s confront AI

It is hard not to cringe when reading about last week’s Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) summit, with governments around the world—led by the U.S.—competing to offer the least AI oversight. Safety is not taking a backseat; it is unceremoniously stuffed …

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On Principle

Let God be God

I’ll first note (though I’m not sure this is a necessary or useful allotment of my word count) that I write as a Christian and, more generally, as a believer. Consequently, the following reflections may not resonate with much of …

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A devastation of values

“We believe that your perspective is crucial to our conversations. We know that your hard work, combined with a Bowdoin education, can quite literally change the world.”

Thus ends the first paragraph of my acceptance letter to Bowdoin. Now, just …

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International Students

Beyond borders

Dear Bowdoin,

This past weekend, I sat through the Super Bowl with a group of friends. I was watching a sport I have no connection with and have very limited understanding of. Yet, when I watch the ICC Champions Trophy …

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Who belongs at Bowdoin?

For over 16 years, I felt I belonged at Bowdoin. (I have the t-shirt from the Office of Inclusion and Diversity to prove it.) But that changed because of October 7 and the on-campus events since then, including the College’s …

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War on speech

On Tuesday, February 11, Ronan Farrow spoke in Kresge Auditorium to a crowd of students, professors and community members alike about the responsibility and challenges of the next generation. Early on in the talk, he and moderator Theo Greene discussed …

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