Today marks Carrigan Fain’s last day as assistant director of the Bowdoin Outing Club (BOC). In an email sent over winter break, Associate Director of the BOC Anna Bastidas announced Fain’s decision to leave the College and accept the position …
On Tuesday, Carrigan Fain officially joined the Bowdoin Outing Club (BOC) staff as its new assistant director following the departure of Eric Guiang ’18. Guiang’s two-year tenure at the Outing Club ended earlier this month.
As new Bowdoin students slowly settle into academic and social rhythms, the centerpiece of students’ introductions to Bowdoin—orientation trips—has started to fade into the background. Even so, many students going back decades frequently reminisce about their wild, hilarious or awe-inspiring …
On April 30, a group of students and staff members of the Bowdoin Outing Club (BOC) competed in the 43rd Annual Whitewater Recreational Canoe Race on the St. George River. Hosted by the Maine Canoe and Kayak Racing Organization, around …
For prospective students interested in attending Bowdoin, our school’s legendary Outing Club (BOC) is often an important draw. These students might visit the BOC’s website to read about its incredible offerings, which include an impressive whitewater program and a multitude …
Yesterday, students, faculty and community members gathered on the Ladd House patio for No Man’s Land Film Festival’s return to campus, marking the second consecutive year the organization has held a screening at Bowdoin.
On Tuesday evening, a group of male- and non-binary-identifying students gathered at the Schwartz Outdoor Leadership Center to discuss the role healthy masculinity plays in the outdoors.
Shielded from the fresh snow outside, the hour-long conversation, led by Benjamin Felser …
On Tuesday night in Roux Lantern, the Bowdoin Outing Club (BOC) screened “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough, But It’s Complicated,” a virtual conversation about the representation of Black women in the outdoors.
The conversation was hosted by Middlebury College and …
To help with the increase in programming and demand this semester, the Bowdoin Outing Club (BOC) recently hired Eric Giuang ’18 as an assistant director. The position had been vacant since the summer of 2020, and the BOC began its …
After three decades as the only club on campus to formally charge membership fees, as of the beginning of this year, the Bowdoin Outing Club (BOC) will no longer be collecting membership dues. Although this decision will cost the club …