Bowdoin students and local residents can often be found on the Brunswick mall enjoying the items prepared by Brunswick’s iconic food trucks. Sitting along Maine Street, these trucks, including Taco the Town, Bizibuns and Bowlicious, often draw customers no matter …
In the summer of 1970, with social upheaval brewing over the Vietnam War, Brunswick residents gathered on Maine Street to express political discontent writ large by protesting an ordinance which barred public gatherings, including the throwing of footballs and frisbees …
What can you learn about health from a pulse? The answer that you would probably expect would be a heartbeat. But how about rheumatoid arthritis? Lactose intolerance? I’m assuming those weren’t the first to come to mind. Before I came …
“All [undergraduates] shall attend morning and evening prayer in the chapel,” Bowdoin College President Jesse Appleton wrote in his 1814 pamphlet, “Laws of Bowdoin College.” Appleton went on to declare, “If any undergraduate arrives after the exercises have begun, he …
Ellen Baxter ’75 is a figure rooted in both Bowdoin history and in advocating for the rights of homeless people. As one of the first women to attend the College and a graduate of Bowdoin’s first fully co-educational class, Baxter’s …
I first learned about Frederick the Great when I was assigned to create a Slides presentation about him in ninth grade. Scrolling through Wikipedia, I happened upon a whole page entitled “Sexuality of Frederick the Great.” I was …
Swept up in the frenetic rhythms of everyday life, seasonal changes can pass unnoticed. Some mark the tilt into autumn by the calendar, the reappearance of a favorite seasonal drink on a cafe menu or the chill in the …
I’ll admit it: I was overwhelmed during my first semester at Bowdoin College. Three thousand miles away from my home in California, I was ready to sink my teeth into Maine and did everything I could to find something to …
It’s hard to mess up an egg. They’re just so versatile. You can have them boiled or fried. You can have them sunny side up on a nicely toasted piece of sourdough bread (with feta on top if you’re distinguished—like …
Fears. We all have them, some useful, others not. At their best, they give us a healthy dose of caution and promote self reflection. At their worst, they can be daunting, all-consuming and limiting. When we stay quiet about them, …