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What's in a Name

What’s in a name: Sills Hall

“Excellent teaching in wooden halls,” Bowdoin College President Dr. Kenneth C. M. Sills said, “is much better than wooden teaching in marble halls.”

Bowdoin’s eighth president and alumnus of 1901, Sills carried on the many traditions of the College. He …

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Finding an ummah at Bowdoin

Over the last several years, the Muslim Students Association (MSA) has become a powerful voice on campus. From hosting Eid Mubarak celebrations to interfaith events, MSA has grown into a source of community and education.

On Saturday, October 25th, students …

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Facing Fears

Finding solid ground

We started this column hoping to become better at facing our fears: to do the things that scare us—things like interviewing people and then publishing those words for the whole campus to see. But we found through our conversations that …

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Mundane Magic

Seen through film

It’s all too easy to ignore mundane things. A plastic water bottle, stains on the grocery store wall, pigeons, sunlight more shadow than light. A pot of water just before it boils. The diffuse mutter of traffic. It’s so easy …

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Talk of the Quad

I am not “Lost”

For weeks, I have been trying to develop an alliterative trifecta for my TOQs, adding a third J to accompany my pieces on Jersey Mike’s and Jimmy Carter, and I finally found it: Jack from “Lost.” If you have known …

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