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Sam Borne

Orient Staff — Class of 2026

Number of articles: 31

First Article: October 28, 2022

Latest Article: April 27, 2023

CSA provides Christian and interfaith community

Whether through Bible study groups or s’mores and songs around the bonfire, the Christian Students Association (CSA) works hard to provide Bowdoin students who identify as Christian with a sense of religious belonging and community grounded in inclusion, collaboration and …

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On books

I used to read more. I would come home from school and spend hours sitting in the branches of the tree in our backyard, high enough above the ground to feel I had been transported to the world of Percy …

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Talk of the Quad

On snow

It’s become the universalized symbol of winter: the first snow, where you run out in the now cold air. A light dusting covers the ground and you try to catch a snowflake on your tongue. I always look forward to …

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