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Halina Bennet
Orient Staff — Class of
Number of articles:
First Article:
November 20, 2020
Latest Article:
September 10, 2021
6 photos by Halina Bennet
The audience at the Maine State House of representatives debate between Andrew Kaleigh '24 and Dan Ankles came prepared with a variety of questions to ask the candidates.
The audience at the Maine State House of representatives debate between Andrew Kaleigh '24 and Dan Ankles came prepared with a variety of questions to ask the candidates.
A protestor holds a sign calling for peace. Members of Peaceworks, a national organization that promotes world peace, have gathered every Friday since the 9/11 attacks to protest the War on Terror.
A protestor holds a sign calling for peace. Members of Peaceworks, a national organization that promotes world peace, have gathered every Friday since the 9/11 attacks to protest the War on Terror.
After a disjointed year on (and mostly off) campus, the Class of 2024 returned to campus this fall as sophomores. Having experienced an atypical year at the College, the class is still expected to step into leadership roles within the …
On July 1, Paula Volent, Bowdoin’s chief investments officer, will be stepping down from her position after more than two decades of service to the College. Over the duration of her career in Brunswick, Volent oversaw the growth of Bowdoin’s …
With finals around the corner and weather getting warmer, Peer Health is attempting to ensure that mental health and wellness are a top priority on campus. On Saturday, the group hosted a Mental Health Holiday on Dudley Coe Quad from …
For the first time since COVID-19 sent students home last spring, the College hosted a campus-wide in-person event. Dubbed a “May 1 Celebration,” the Office of Student Activities scheduled a day of outdoor activities, live music and food trucks last …
On Thursday, COVID-19 Resource Coordinator Mike Ranen addressed Governor Janet Mills’ decision to loosen the state’s mask mandate in an email to the College community. Despite new state guidelines that people do not need to wear masks outdoors when they …
In an email to the College on March 8, President Clayton Rose announced the start of Mental Health Moments, an initiative developed by mental health advocate Dr. Sally Thomas ’89 to address mental health in an accessible way by providing …
Two students tested positive for COVID-19 on Monday. The cases are not believed to be “connected to each other or to any of the cases reported last week,” COVID-19 Resource Coordinator Mike Ranen wrote in an email sent to the …
Just over a year after celebrating its 50th anniversary, the Africana Studies Program is now recognized as a full-fledged academic department. The change—effective immediately—was announced at Tuesday’s faculty meeting.
The transition was headed by the department’s four full-time faculty members: …
The College welcomed over 1,000 students back to campus earlier this month, but the majority of the Class of 2024 was not among them. After spending the fall semester on campus, many first years returned home, but some were able …
The College released its Campus Community Agreement on Blackboard Thursday for students who intend to live on campus or be in residence for the spring semester. Dean of Students Kristina Bethea Odejimi also sent the agreement to these students in …