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Dylan Welch

Features Contributor — Class of 2021

Number of articles: 3

First Article: October 25, 2019

Latest Article: August 11, 2020

OPINION: Love letter to a divided America

Dear America,

I can recall a time in high school when I was sitting in a class called “The History of the Americas,” and our teacher, Mr. Perles, said to the class: “remember, always be skeptical.” As I heard these …

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Talk of the Quad

People are starting to notice

When I see the word “mental illness,” my mind goes straight to the word “illness.” Then a host of other words start to flow through my mind: disease, disability, impaired, bad, inferior, unworthy. The list continues, but the negative connotation …

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Talk of the Quad

The descent into the abyss

These self-portraits were made by William Utermohlen, a 20th century contemporary artist. He was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in 1995. At the onset of his Alzheimer’s, he decided to sketch a portrait of himself once a year until 2000—he died in …

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