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Carrigan Fain joins BOC as new assistant director

September 13, 2024

On Tuesday, Carrigan Fain officially joined the Bowdoin Outing Club (BOC) staff as its new assistant director following the departure of Eric Guiang ’18. Guiang’s two-year tenure at the Outing Club ended earlier this month.

“I am taking on many responsibilities such as staffing and running the kitchen, the climbing wall in Buck, the BOC Surf program and running the BOC Instagram,” Fain wrote in an email to the Orient.

Prior to coming to the College, Fain worked as a lead instructor and outdoor educator for the Thompson Island and North Carolina Outward Bound Schools.

“I focused on building community in outdoor settings through challenge, perseverance and seeking out the fun in everything we do,” Fain wrote of her previous work at Outward Bound. “I think it’s incredible what a group can do and how close a group can get to one another through shared experience in the outdoors.”

As assistant director, Fain hopes to foster a love for the outdoors in students across the College as well as welcome them into the BOC.

“I hope to continue bringing more students to the BOC and encouraging those who may feel more intimidated in these spaces to show up anyways,” Fain wrote. “I did not grow up doing all of these outdoorsy things, and I want students at Bowdoin to feel comfortable and confident when they come on our trips.”

She is also looking forward to spending time with students outdoors and forming relationships with them.

“I am extremely excited about getting out on the water with all of the students, in whatever capacity, may that be in a boat or on a board or at the beach,” Fain wrote. “I am also having an awesome time just getting to know all of the incredible people and students here at Bowdoin and hope to continue to build those relationships.”


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