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Dean Quinby set to retire at end of next month

February 16, 2024

At the end of March, Senior Associate Dean of Students and Director of First-Year Experience Melissa Quinby ’91 will retire from the College.

“I’m so very grateful for the many opportunities I’ve had here and for all the learning and growth I’ve experienced in the different positions I’ve held at the College. It’s been particularly rewarding and joyful to work so closely with first-year students over the past several years in my role in the Office of the Dean of Students,” Quinby wrote in an email to the Orient.

Quinby has spent 17 years at the College, having held roles in the Office of Off-Campus Study and the former Women’s Resource Center—now the Sexuality, Women and Gender Center—before moving to the Office of the Dean of Students.

Quinby expressed her gratitude for her experiences at the College.

“I’m incredibly thankful for the amazing relationships I’ve formed with staff, faculty and students,” Quinby wrote. “The people are what has made my time at Bowdoin so special for me.”


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