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College House application numbers stabilize for the Class of 2027

February 16, 2024

About 270 members of the Class of 2027—or roughly 53 percent—applied to live in a College House, according to data from the Office of Residential Life (ResLife). This is a slight drop in applications from the Class of 2026, in which roughly 55 percent applied to live in a College House.

This recent plateau in applications follows a decline from spring 2022, when 64 percent of the Class of 2025 chose to apply to a College House.

Assistant Director of Residential Life Alex Gates noted that the number of applications ResLife received this year met the office’s predicted estimate.

Though the total number of students applying declined slightly, the number of block groups that applied this spring rose. As block groups range in size from one to four people, the increase in block groups suggests that the average block group size this year is lower than it was last year, and suggests more applications sent in by individuals and groups of two than quads.

“We love getting individual applicants to the houses. It takes bravery to want to put yourself out there and a lot of courage to apply alone and try something new like that, and we really admire that,” Gates said. “We also love getting the big blocks that are a bunch of different people that met each other through their first-year floor, through a sports team—through whatever.”

While there were no significant changes to the application process this year, ResLife chose to keep the adjustment made to last year’s application in which students no longer rank preference for the College Houses they applied to. Students could have chosen to apply to only select College Houses. Gates remarked that this has allowed greater flexibility both for applicants in applying to houses and ResLife in crafting intentional house communities.

Applicants to the College Houses will be notified of their acceptance status the week of March 4, before Spring Break.


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