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Year: 2023

Dessert Persons

Smart croquembouche

My mom asked me one of her usual “explain English” questions on the phone today. “I’ve always wondered why people say ‘you’re a smart cookie’ but not ‘you’re a smart bagel’ or ‘you’re a smart donut.’” She said it in …

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Open Edges

Our summer clothes

“My best friend’s name was Gil. We used to blaze down the sidewalks around here on our bikes with no-hands, cutting and weaving. I thought I was invincible, but Gil, Gil had a death wish. Everything I could do he …

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Pokémon GO sees renewed peak-achu

Raids and rivalries plague our campus, not just in the retelling of momentous battles in class or between the pages of a history textbook, but also in the epic pursuit of “catching ‘em all.”

Now that the weather has taken …

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Q&A with the Bowdoin dog spotter

If you’ve ever seen Violet Rizzieri ’23 sprint across the quad, odds are she was chasing down a dog, camera in hand. While her love of canines may be obvious, her motivations for snapping pictures of dogs on campus have …

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